Workshop Applications closed in November. However, openings may be available due to last minute cancellation. You may waitlist to be in a workshop by completing the waitlist application.
Focus on your poems in a workshop with one of America’s most celebrated poets. This year’s workshop faculty includes: David Baker, Laure-Anne Bosselaar, Tina Chang, Lynn Emanuel, Daisy Fried, Terrance Hayes, Dorianne Laux, Carl Phillips, Martha Rhodes. Conference Faculty are Sally Bliumis-Dunn, Nickole Brown, and Ginger Murchison. Our Special Guest will be Charles Simic, and this year’s Performance Poets are The Mayhem Poets.
Join us for six days of extraordinary poetry events, January 16-21, 2017 in Delray Beach, Florida: workshops, readings, talks on the craft of writing poems, manuscript conferences, panel discussion, social events and so much more in beautiful downtown Delray Beach, Florida.
The deadline to apply is November 21, 2016.