GINGER MURCHISON together with Thomas Lux, founded POETRY at TECH, where she served as associate director five years and has been one of its McEver Visiting Chairs in Poetry since 2009. A three-time Pushcart nominee, she is a graduate of Warren Wilson’s M.F.A. Program for Writers and Editor-in-Chief of the acclaimed Cortland Review. Her first chapbook of poems, Out Here, was published by Jeanne Duval Editions in 2008. She has published interviews with A.E. Stallings and Stephen Dobyns, and has poems published in Atlanta Review, Chattahoochee Review, Terminus Magazine, Poetry Kanto, and Mead, Garrison Keillor’s Writer’s Almanac, and Connotations online. Her latest collection, A Scrap of Linen, A Bone, is a Tom Lombardo selection for the Poetry Series at Press 53, and was published in Spring, 2016.