Poetry Workshop: PoJo Collage w/ Cara Nusinov
Saturday, December 1st, 2018 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Boca Raton Museum of Art School 801 W. Palmetto Park Road in Boca Raton
Cara Nusinov will show PoJo Collage participants how to combine collage, poetry, and journaling to create mixed media art. Participants will design their own collage cover art, generate writing in their personal journals/notebooks, and draft poems inspired by their own words. Participants should bring the following supplies: a notebook/journal for writing, a favorite photograph of themselves (at any age), 8-10 small magazine images, scissors, glue (Elmer’s or a stick), and any other desired materials to incorporate into their collages.
Certified in art journaling, Cara Nusinov facilitates workshops of self-discovery and expressive thought to help her participants to connect, heal, empower, and laugh. A Poetry Therapy Practitioner with the International Academy For Poetry Therapy, Nusinov is a collage artist, poet, teacher, leisure photographer, and Laughter Yoga leader.
Note: This workshop is limited to the first 25 people who RSVP at drblaiseallen@aol.com. Accepted participants will receive confirmation of attendance.