The 17th Palm Beach Poetry Festival took place January 18-23, 2021 and was held virtually. Workshop and featured faculty poets included David Baker, Laure-Anne Bosselaar, Traci Brimhall, Eduardo C. Corral, Vievee Francis, Kevin Prufer, Martha Rhodes and Tim Seibles; our Special Guest Poet, Gregory Orr, performed in a Palm Beach Poetry Festival film recording of “The Beloved: A Poetry & Song Cycle with The Parkington Sisters (with hats off to the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival for the first filmed version of a live Beloved performance.). Poet At Large Brian Turner joined our Kick-Off Reading roster during festival week and live-streamed his poems to the Palm Beach County Schools in collaboration with the festival for National Poetry Month. Our Conference Faculty Poets Lorna Knowles Blake, Sally Bliumis-Dunn, Nickole Brown, Jessica Jacobs, and Angela Narciso Torres also served as presenters for evening readings and gave their own knockout reading to open the festival. Poet Karin de Weille was invited by Founder Miles Coon to present a craft talk with Tim Seibles.
One of the special features of our festival was partnering with Murder on the Beach to create a virtual bookstore and schedule virtual signings by the poets.